Sunday, September 6, 2009

Credit Where Due

I would be remiss should I not give credit for the tidal / gravity work where due. A few years back, I was directed by a friend to this website: Admittedly, I was a little intrigued by the concept, though I seldom buy books on line simply to learn something new (bad me).

Anyway, to make a long story longer, I purchased Robert Taylor's book Paradigm, as advertised on his site, and gave it a read. In general I thought it to be a pretty good novel, though a little dry towards the end....but the concept that gravity, as measured by our tides, has a direct cause and effect on our markets really, really caught my interest. Maybe there was something to this. I am no astrologer (I did enjoy the study of planets in school though:)), but perhaps there was a connection between those who studied the movement of planets and our moon, with the tides on earth.

At the time, the purchase of the book got you a free, short term subscription to his service....I cant recall, maybe a 3 month subscription. Regardless, the subscription opened his website for one to view his forecasts....ones that seemed to be accurate most of the time. Could it be he had discovered something really meaningful for predicting turning points and direction of the markets? As obscure as the concept sounds, do fluctuations in gravity actually affect the way we feel emotionally and therefore help determine how we invest?

At one point Mr. Taylor had opened a discussion forum on his website for subscribers to discuss any number of topics relative to his discovery and his book. I remember some interesting and lively chats. Some folks actually resrearched various techniques to improve entrys and exits on his turn dates using the moon and its influence on a daily or hour to hour timeframe as the basis for their study. Unfortuneately, he shut the forums for reasons that elude me right now. Thinking back, it would seem maybe not a wise decision, but he had to do what he had to do.

Regardless, for those with an interest in the possibility that forces of gravity actually do more than just suck us down to earth, I highly recommend purchasing the book. Read it and make up your own mind. In it you will discover the basis for his predictions....notwithstanding the alterations he makes to his data with his so-called xyber9 program.

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