Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mid Week Chart - Ho Ho Ho

I should know better. Doubting the tide trends most often does not pay. This trend, after a questionable start, seems to be shaping up nicely now. Of course it is Christmas, so what would you expect?

I am humbled by the donations and support that the followers of this blog have exhibited in recent days. It just shows once again the true character of the great people of this country in a small, yet visible, way. As strange as it might seem, it helps give me the confidence that folks out there are finding my work useful to them in their trading or analysis of the markets. It may seem insignificant, but it is not, at least not to me. So, to those of you who made any donation to this cause I want to thank you sincerely and wish you and yours the Merriest of Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year. And let's not forget profitable !!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yes, It Is

that time of the year. For giving and receiving. I have spent many hours in the past and not quite as many now, coming up with these tidal turn dates. I hope and trust these dates have been beneficial to you in your trading strategies. Are they always correct? Hell no, but they are a lot better than most anything else you'll find out there. So what am I trying to say? Its simple. We all want to know our efforts are not for nothing. An occasional atta-boy is good, but if you really like what I am trying to do here, a token measure of your appreciation through a donation speaks volumes. Its what makes me know that you REALLY do want me to continue with this effort. If you dont have any appreciation for it, let me know and I'll discontinue this adventure. Afterall, 90% of what I have done here for the past several months has been for the readers, not for myself.

Down at the bottom of this blog is a donate button. Please use it; no matter how small the donation, it is welcomed. You see, I have a project starting here at home and that is the building of DIY solar panels. Donate through paypal and that donation will go directly to this project and if successful, I'll post in the future the progress of this project. In reality, your donation actually does go to the greening of our planet and the reduction of my carbon footprint!

Weekend Update 12-20-09

It may be the time to be merry and all that, but it's also the time to be busy at all kinds of things. At least thats MO right now. Anyway, above chart posted just a week before Christmas with an expected high going into Christmas day. Not much exciting going on right now as the trend has been flat and sideways for the past month or so.

Above is the S&P crossover technique that is used to target future price levels. As you can see, I have simplified the signals a bit and two of the signals have been met with 3 others still to be reached. These remain in the 1,200 snp area and up around 1,400. Yes, they are still "live" targets that will be hit before any type of a major correction.

And last by surely not least is Tom Drakes 2cs. Not much happening here just as not much has been happening in the overal markets since early November. Interpretation? Sentiment still remains at overly bearish levels.